Monday, July 4, 2011

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Since my statement about making copies of offical US documents is causing confusion, let me rephrase & elaborate -

I, as many of you were, was stopped and requested to provide proof of immigration status. I had a color photocopy of my US Visa Stamp of my passport.

Besides the fact that the Border Patrol agent denied the photocopy as proof of immigration status, he did let me go as soon as I provided my College ID and a DL, warning me that it is against the law to make a photocopy of an official US IMMIGRATION document FOR PERSONAL USE. I did argue about the scenario if I ended up losing my passport and vital documents, which is why I had made copies. He shook his head and repeated the same - NO PHOTOCOPIES OF OFFICIAL US IMMIGRATION DOCUMENTS FOR PERSONAL USE. So, while you are allowed to provide photocopies of official US documents for official government purposes, you cannot make copies of official US IMMIGRATION documents for personal use. I have a pretty busy schedule so I don't have the patience to search, cut and paste the section of the law which refers to this since I did research this at that time and deemed correct the Border Agent's warning.

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This is just a stunt. WHy did she wait allthese days to write this letter. Now when everything falls in place by others efforts, she wants people to think it is because her effort all these things are happening. I hate murthy or your murfhy.

Your criticism of Murthy is noted as you are entitled to speak your mind. But let me ask you a simple question:

Did you exhort your lawyer to send a letter to Secretary Chertoff or the USCIS Director? OR

Did your lawyer send a letter on his own, exhorting the Secretary and the USCIS Director to correct this wrong?

I know the Mahatma would have asked himself the same questions before hurling allegations.

Whatever maybe the intentions of Murthy, this letter is certainly going to help not harm our case.

AND YES - For full disclosure, I am a client of Murthy and have been so for more than five years.

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Was she sleeping all this while. Why did it take her 2 weeks to respond to the events that occured ? Looks like everyone wants a piggy back ride.:D

We know your selfish intentions !!:eek:

And has your lawyer sent a letter - if not, why is he/she still waiting to do so. Did you exhort her to do so. Will you exclude yourself from any AILF lawsuit benefit.

You are missing the forest for the trees friend - Its not one agianst the other. Focus on the objective.

by padne added 21 Nov, 2009,

What happened to all the thesis and discussions? i felt disgusted listening to the state of the union address. i completely am of the opinion that everybody deserves a chance even those who are here illegally. But there is something wrong with a country which wishes to cater to them to favor them who broke the laws then the who indian community which barely breaks laws and is probably the most god fearing and law fearing group of people in this country. We have 0 representation in this nation. Taxation without representation. All the social security and medicare taxes I will never probably get to use it. I wish we could all muster the courage to quit the jobs and leave this country and let every client and employer deal with the fallout. Unfortunately we cant. Since there are 10 others in line behind me who will willing become slaves for the little comfort they get. Life has become very frustrating.

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No in-state tuition for legals (only for illegals) - You are a legal high-skilled immigrant and have played by all the rules while contributing greatly to the economy, yet your children are not eligible for in-state tuition, while the children of illegal aliens ARE!!!!!

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Report of the Visa Office 2009 Table of Contents (

Point V and part 2

the numbers come around 137000 ( which is 3000 ) Short of 140,000 ( I think the actual number will be 140,000 + Spill over FB Visas from 2008 If any )


Read again.
Point V and part 2 covers only eb1 thru eb4 only.

Employment based visa numbers 140,000 is for eb1 thru eb5.

As mentioned in my previous post in this thread, for FY2008 family based numbers are totally used, so there were no unused numbers for employment based FY2009 numbers.

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Can you please respond to the possiblity of questions raised by rpatel.
